Virgilio Villoresi was born November 10, 1979 in Fiesole (Florence,Italy).
He learned alchemical synthesis from Harry Smith, structural ontology from Jonas Mekas, how to make art of garbage from Jack Smith, ritual magic from Kenneth Anger.
His early inspirations include Poland animator [Jan Lenica, Zibnew Rybzinski, Walerian Borowcsiz, Daniel Schezcura,Jerzy Ziztmann] the European experimental cinema [Patrick Bokanowski,Chris Maker,Straub and Huillet], american underground [Maya Deren, Stan Brakhage,Brothers Kuchar] european advanguarde [Jean Cocteau,Luis Bunuel,Man Ray,Oscar Fischinger] Italian experimental [Paolo Gioli,Alberto Grifi] as well as avant garde theater,art and literature.
Lives and work in Milan.