Musician and filmmaker, he develops immersive experiences in which ephemerality, illusion and monumentality coexist, contributing to the creation of perceptual displacements. Luciano Maggiore's music is strongly related to the use of magnetic tapes as well as of various kinds of electrical devices. His performances are characterized by a strong impact in terms of volume and quantity of information which is created by the interaction between speakers, ear and architecture. Beauty, contemplation, relationship between sound and architecture, acoustic illusions, improvvisation, continuum, concrete and electroacoustic music are the pivotal points of his practice along with a multitude of unsaid concepts which emerges progressively from his performances. His work as filmmaker and video maker is placed in the interstitial area between abstract, narrative and contemplative cinema. His films find its roots in last century experimental and structural cinema and show a particular attention to the emotional, perceptive and landscape qualities of moving images. He makes use of different media in the realization of his works: from video to film and stop motion animation. He his part of Phonorama, an improvisation ensemble with a flexible structure in which some of the best Italian musicians of the electronic music scene are involved. He collaborates with the curatorial network Xing and is one of the founders of Sant'Andrea degli amplificatori (a small and secret venue for contemporary music). He works or worked, among others, with Angstarbeiter, Francesco Fuzz Brasini, John Duncan, Andrew L. Hooker, Domenico Grenci, Sara Pantoli, Virgilio Villoresi, Zapruder Filmmakersgroup and Zimmerfrei. His works have been released by Incudine Records, Palustre and Radical Matters.