Lemeh42 are two italian artists who realize videos, video performances and animations. The duo was founded in 2007 even if they have started working together since 2005. Their works have been selected by the major international videoart festivals: BitFilm Festival (Hamburg), OFF III Mediafest (Colonia), Athens Videoart Festival, The 809 International New Image Art Festival, Yichang City, (China), FILE 08 Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo (Brasil), Danca em foco, Festival Internacional de Video Danca, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), Xontakt Videodance Festival, Split (Croatia), Circuito OFF Venice (Italy), Animabasauri (Bilbao), Torino Flash Festival, Pantheon Xperimental 6.0 (Cyprus), INPORT Festival (Tallinn), Optica Festival (Gijon), Szemlétek Video Festival (Pecs), Spokane Film Festival, Bigscreen Festival (Kunming), Urban Research on Film, Directors Lounge 2008 (Berlin), Traverse Video (Toulouse), Kinolevchyk International Videoart Festival, Lviv Institute for Contemporary Art (Ukraine), REC08 Festival de Cinema de Tarragona, Naoussa Film Festival, Shnit 08, Berne, (Switzerland), Kargart Video Festival (Istanbul), Cyprus Short Film Festival 2008, where they have received the first prize for the best experimental editing for their work “Flor de la Alhambra” and New Media Art Biennale, Madeira (Portugal) where they have won the first prize for their work “Study on human form and humanity #01”. Their works have been shown in international exhibition: VIDEOIT 9, Careof - Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano (Italy), Video salon 08, Galerija10m2, Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina), 1st Teheran Biennal, Teheran (Iran), "The Mirror Stage" Museum of Contemporary Art (Cyprus), Sardegna Arte Fiera, Cagliari (Italy), Art within the artists in the workspace, Gaidaro Foundation, Transvaal Den Haag (The Netherlands), Nuit blanche, Paris (France), Salon de arte digital, Cologne OFF IV, Maracaibo (Venezuela), Strange Screen Festival, Macedonian Museum of Contemporray art, Thessaloniki, (Greece), Pantheon Experimental Cinema, Pantheon Gallery (Cyprus), Shoot Off 2008, Video Art, Espace Canopy, Paris (France), Kinofest, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest (Romania).
In 2009 they have won the ICEBERG Prize (Bologna, Italy) and have represented Italy at the BJCEM 2009 in Skopye, Macedonia.